Information sheet

AEROGEL insulation products are articles , not substances or mixtures. Therefore, compilation of a Safety Data
Sheet (SDS) is not required.
AEROGEL products do not contain substances satisfying the criteria referred to in Art. 57 and identified by Art.
59 of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 and its subsequent amendments and additions.
The present Information Sheet is made available to the article users and recipients as a source of information
on possible hazards in relation to the exposure scenario, and to obtain indications and precautions on the
proper use and handling.

Identification of the product

Description: continuous filament fibreglass mattress and synthetic amorphous silica aerogel

Relevant identified uses of the product

Thermal insulation

Information on the supplier of this document

(1) P.zza Gazzolo 22/A – Telefono: (+39) 045 245 6609
(2) Via Padovana 206 – Telefono: (+39) 045 485 3568
37040 Arcole Verona IT


Composition / Information on ingredients

SubstanceCASEINECS%Classification by
CLP/GHS (1272/2008)
Synthetic amorphous silica7631-86-9231-545-450-55%non-hazardous
Aluminum oxide1344-28-1215-691-61-5%non-hazardous
Glass fiber *not applicablenot applicable40-45%non-hazardous

*Classification of FAV in accordance to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 – Annex VI, as amended by Regulation
(EC) 790/2009 according to CLP criteria.
Exempted from classification

Classification according to CLP/GHS (1272/2008)

Health hazardsPhysical hazardsEnvironment hazards

Safe handling precautions

Once the product is mechanically stressed it can release powder of amorphous and inert nature.
Therefore during handling, processing and installation of the product please follow the following recommendations:

  • Keep the product in its packaging until the moment it is used
  • Removing the product from its packaging in the working area. It’ll help to limit the area of possible dust diffusion
  • Handling and cutting in open-air areas or in aerated environments, adequately far from other people and
    separated from the neighbors are encouraged. Avoid contamination of places and people non involved into
    the activity
  • Dust exposure should be handled by common workplace hygiene practices. When necessary, local exhaust
    ventilation (LEV) should be the main method for dust control in the working environment
  • Waste of the product must be stored for disposal in closed bags according to ways which reduce
    dispersion of dust in the working environment
  • The most effective method of collecting dust is dry vacuum
  • Use the following PPE
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Personal protection measures

Respiratory system protection: During handling, processing and installation use certified FFP2 grade disposable masks that shall be wear well adherent to the face.

Hands and other exposed parts of the body protection: To prevent any irritation wear waterproof gloves, long sleeved clothing and long trousers or alternatively full-length disposable overalls.

Eye protection: It is recommended to use protective glasses with side screens, specific for dust protection.

First aid measures

Silica aerogels are hydrophobic (repel water) so they may cause temporary dryness and/or irritation of the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Inhalation and respiration of dust during handling may cause temporary irritation of the upper respiratory tract.
Handling may cause dryness and irritation of the skin and eyes. Dust may cause abrasion injuries by rubbing.
Usually immediate medical assistance is not required.

Inhalation/respiration: In the case of inhalation or respiration of dust please move in open environment.
Drink water to clean your throat and blow your nose. Seek for medical assistance if symptoms arise.
Eyes: Avoid rubbing your eyes. Rinse eyes with running water for a few minutes. Seek for medical attention if
irritation persists.
Skin: Wash the skin with soap and water. Seek for medical assistance if irritation occurs. Don’t rub your skin.
Wash clothes before reuse.
Ingestion: Although undesirable effects are not expected, avoid ingestion. Take contact with a doctor.


Exposure limits and control

Italian legislature does not provide standards for workplace exposure limits for the substances the product
is made.
Exposure limits for components or similar components are given below.
Scheme below is indicative and not exhaustive and refers to 8-hour exposure (TWA).
For complete and up-to-date information please consult the specific national or local legislation if any.

Synthetic AmorphousUS OSHA PEL (TWA) 10 mg/m³ total - 5 mg/m³ respirable fraction
UK WEL 6 mg/m³ inhalable - 2.4 mg/m³ respirable
Aluminum oxydeUS OSHA PEL (TWA) 10 mg/m³ total - 5 mg/m³ frazione respirabile
UK WEL 10 mg/m³ inhalable - 4 mg/m³ respirable
Glass fiberUS OSHA PEL (TWA) 15 mg/m³ total - 5 mg/m³ respirable fraction
ACGIH (TWA) 1 f/cm3

Recommended monitoring procedures:
Filtering and analysis.

Suitable technical checks: Use adequate ventilation of environments to reduce dust concentration. Use
local exhaust ventilation (LEV) if repeated handling of the product produces higher amounts of dust.

Fire-fighting measures

Suitable Extinguishing Media: Carbon dioxide (CO2,) dry powder or jet of water.
To extinguish large fires use water jet or foam. Follow the usual fire prevention procedures to avoid
inhalation of the fumes and gases produced by the fire.

Information on fundamental physycal and chemical properties

Physical state: solid
Sizes: rolls, panels, composite panels
Appearance: white fibrous blanket, with or without coating
Smell: none
Olfactory threshold: n.d
pH: not applicable
Melting point/freezing point: the core of the fibre melts to over 350 ºC
Boiling point: n.a
Point of inflammation: n.a
Flammability (solids, gases): non-flammable
Density: 180-220 Kg/m³
Solubility in water: none
Auto-ignition temperature: n.a
Combustion products: carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
Decomposition temperature: n.d
Viscosity: n.a
Explosive properties: none
Oxidizing properties: none

Condition to be avoided

Avoid long time exposure to temperatures higher those intended for use.


CER code 17.06.04.
Product can be delivered to landfill facilities for non-hazardous special waste. Please check national and local regulations.


Information provided are based on our best current knowledge.
The document is subject to changes, updates and additions.

Filled out by: ECOFINE S.R.L.
Updated: May 2024

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